Thursday 23 December 2010

Oxford Under Snow

It was lovely to be able to enjoy Oxford in the snow. The last few times we've had snow, I had to spend the afternoon in labs, so I couldn't wait to "drag" myself away from writing my thesis and take a look around. Oxford really was beautiful.
Christ Church College

Christ Church Meadows

They seemed less impressed with all the snow

Queen's College front quad

The Radcliffe Camera: the only experience my friends and I had from the student protests, was the few days that some students from Oxford and Oxford Brookes occupied the Rad Cam. This seemed a little silly, as the only people they inconvenienced were other students, including a friend of mine, who had left all the books she needed for an essay inside the Camera overnight.

Unfortunately, a few of my friends had to spend a couple of extra nights in our accommodation in Oxford as their parents couldn't reach them through the snow. But being snowed in isn't that bad when you live above a Tesco!

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